“Mysterious, hauntingly original, and completely innovative- these words best describe the Gothic Magic of Vlad. While some magicians create a show, Vlad created a genre of magic. This charmingly dark and slightly twisted style known as Gothic Magic stems from the heart of the classic horror genre. Combining this style with amazing stories, Vlad creates a performance that’s like “watching Stephen King live”. Take a step inside and give into your fears.
Vlad has been entertaining audiences for over three decades (terrorizing for centuries)! Come Join Us.
Bizarre Hauntings Vlad will be performing during the Evening Gala, at Poe’s Grave side, a Seance and a Character/Persona workshop
(here is a link for the workshop)
And here is the link for the website with all the info you need
Vlad be performing TWICE in October during our MONTH OF HALLOWEEN event! But first, he will be hosting a workshop at Poe’s Magic Theatre on Character Development where Vlad will discuss how character relationships assist in telling a story. This is for the Bizarre Hauntings Magic conference at The Lord Baltimore Hotel.”